A (hi) story of Horror: Biosociomics as an Integrated Field to Critically Research the Occurrence of Biothreats throughout the Ages

作者: Manousos E Kambouris , Yiannis Manoussopoulos , Aristea Velegraki , George P Patrinos



摘要: The research focusing in microbial epidemics and diseases that occurred in times past might provide valuable foresight into the challenge of emerging, shifting or evolving pathogens and diseases; it may also shed light on the findings of genomic dynamics, nature and structure, of long-term disease dynamics and of interactions of pathogens with host communities, along with conventional evolutionary conclusions of course. The methodology would necessarily be, like today, a common denominator or an amalgamation of biomedical, paleontological and historical research approaches, but with some ground rules to capitalize on the assets of each and to shirk the respective liabilities. The proposed term, Biosociomics, aims to integrate aspects of technology with the social dimensions, and result in the compilation of critical history of knowledge in biology and medicine. Interestingly, the study would expand …
