作者: S Venkatesh , M Yin , J Glockner , N Takahashi , R Grimm
摘要: Materials and Methods: MR Elastography was performed on 111 tumors in 57 patients. The tumors were metastases-47, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)-23, cholangiocarcinoma-14, hemangioma-14, focal nodular hyperplasia-6, hepatic adenoma-3, gall bladder carcinoma-1, and HCC-cholangiocarcinoma-1. Thirty patients had diffuse chronic liver disease and 27 patients had normal liver parenchyma. MRE was performed on a 1.5 T or 3T clinical scanner with a modified gradient echo MRE sequence [3]. Stiffness maps were generated using local frequency estimation inversion algorithm [4]. Mean shear stiffness of the tumors and the surrounding non-tumor bearing liver parenchyma was measured using a manually specified region of interest. The tumors were group as benign or malignant based on the histopathology. Comparison of shear stiffness values between benign and malignant tumors was performed …