Beyond weakly supervised: Pseudo ground truths mining for missing bounding-boxes object detection

作者: Yongqiang Zhang , Mingli Ding , Yancheng Bai , Mengmeng Xu , Bernard Ghanem



摘要: Due to the shortcomings of the weakly supervised and fully supervised object detection (i.e., unsatisfactory performance and expensive annotations, respectively), leveraging partially labeled images in a cost-effective way to train an object detector has attracted much attention. In this paper, we formulate this challenging task as a missing bounding-boxes' object detection problem. Specifically, we develop a pseudo ground truth mining procedure to automatically find the missing bounding boxes for the unlabeled instances, called pseudo ground truths here, in the training data, and then combine the mined pseudo ground truths and the labeled annotations to train a fully supervised object detector. Furthermore, we propose an incremental learning framework to gradually incorporate the results of the trained fully supervised detector to improve the performance of the missing bounding-boxes' object detection. More …
