Event Based Approach to Situational Representation

作者: Dmitri V Kalashnikov Dawit Seid Yiming , Ma Naveen Ashish Sharad Mehrotra Nalini , Venkatasubramanian Cal



摘要: Many application domains require representing interrelated real-world activities and/or evolving physical phenomena. In the crisis response domain, for instance, one may be interested in representing the state of the unfolding crisis (eg, forest fire), the progress of the response activities such as evacuation and traffic control, and the state of the crisis site (s). Such a situation representation can then be used to support multitude of applications including situation monitoring, analysis, and planning. In this paper, we make a case for an event based representation of situations where events are defined to be domain-specific significant occurrences in space and time. We argue that events offer a unifying and powerful abstraction to building situational awareness applications. We identify challenges in building an Event Management System (EMS) for which traditional data and knowledge management systems prove to be limited and suggest possible directions and technologies to address the challenges.
