Bigger, not Badder: Safely Scaling BFT Protocols

作者: David CY Chu , Chris Liu , Natacha Crooks , Joseph M Hellerstein , Heidi Howard



摘要: Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocols provide powerful guarantees in the presence of arbitrary machine failures, yet they do not scale. The process of creating new, scalable BFT protocols requires expert analysis and is often error-prone. Recent work suggests that localized, rule-driven rewrites can be mechanically applied to scale existing (non-BFT) protocols, including Paxos. We modify these rewrites--- decoupling and partitioning---so they can be safely applied to BFT protocols, and apply these rewrites to the critical path of PBFT, improving its throughput by 5×. We prove the correctness of the modified rewrites on any BFT protocol by formally modeling the arbitrary logic of a Byzantine node. We define the Borgesian simulator, a theoretical node that simulates a Byzantine node through randomness, and show that in any BFT protocol, the messages that a Borgesian simulator can generate before and after …
