作者: Felipe Colombelli , Vítor Kehl Matter , Bruno Iochins Grisci , Leomar Lima , Karine Heinen
摘要: Nowadays, one of the most relevant challenges of a data center is to keep its information secure. To avoid data leaks and other security problems, data centers have to manage vulnerabilities, including determining the higher-risk vulnerabilities to prioritize. However, the current literature is scarce in the proposal of intelligent methods for the complex problem of vulnerabilities prioritization. Depending on the adopted metrics, the priority could shift, compromising simple sorting-based approaches and impairing the utilization of conflicting risk assessment metrics. Unlike the related work, this study proposes a multi-objective method that uses user-chosen vulnerabilities assessment metrics to output a complete list of these vulnerabilities ranked by their risk and overall impact in the context of an organization. The method includes a multi-objective large-scale optimization problem representation, a novel population …