Computational Modeling of Individual Brains

作者: Bruce F Naylor , Andrew Floren , Risto P Miikkulainen , David Ress , TEXAS UNIV AT AUSTIN AUSTIN United States



摘要: Aim 1 Stimulus design and fMRI measurements. The power of the synthesized neurometric models depends upon the design of the stimuli and the quality of the fMRI measurements. We will use 3D virtual worlds for our stimuli because they provide interactivity, complete control over the content, and are closer to what brains are designed to process than still imagery. These worlds will be designed to mimic the task for which the model is being synthesized. For example, training soldiers would use virtual worlds that mimic certain aspects of the combat experience relevant to the objectives of the training andor treatment. To measure the induced brain activation patterns, we will pursue the development of fMRI protocols that optimize the measurement process.Descriptors:
