作者: Pedro Damián Ríos Guayasamín , Sandy M Smith , Sean C Thomas
摘要: Deforestation in the Amazon has resulted in large areas of depleted soils on abandoned pastures and agricultural sites that present a restoration challenge central to protecting biodiversity and ecosystem function in the region. Biochar – charcoal made from waste materials – can improve soil physical, chemical, and biological properties, but the few tropical field trials to date do not give consistent results regarding tree growth. This study presents three years of soil performance and tree growth of a secondary forest shading nontimber forest product (NTFP) plantations of Ocotea quixos (Lauraceae), Myroxylon balsamum (Fabaceae), and their mixture. Open kiln and traditional mound biochars were added at 10 t ha−1 at two sites with contrasting soil types. Biochar additions resulted in pronounced effects on soil properties that varied over time and with depth in the soil profile. Biochar additions generally increased soil …