System and method for searching annotated document collections

作者: Lichan Hong , Ed H Chi , Peter Lai



摘要: CH 2007 will be heid in San Jose, California, from April 28th, 2007 through way 3rd, 2007. The four day Conference wii incide Courses, workshops, papers, and presentatios, and wii feature a Sophisticated w &isis, outstanding s&isis, and a fahuious sissis & is sy, which attendeesCh; 2007 will be heid in San Jose, California, from April 28th, 2007 through way 3rd, 2007. The four day conference will incide Courses, Workshops, papers, and presentations, and Wii feature a Sophisticated w &isis, outstanding sys Šsis, and a fabulous Šss & is sy, which attendees ibitors alike will be sure to find enjoyable.
