摘要: Predicting the sensorimotor stream has consistently been a key component for building general learning agents. Whether through predicting a reward signal to select the best action or learning a predictive world model with auxiliary tasks, prediction making is at the core of reinforcement learning. One of the main research directions in predictive architectures is in the automatic construction of learning objectives and targets. The agent can consider any real-valued signal as a target when deciding what to learn, including the current set of internal predictions. A prediction whose learning target is another prediction is known as a composition. Arbitrarily deep compositions can lead to learning objectives that are unstable or not suitable for function approximators. This manuscript looks to begin uncovering the underlying structure of compositions in an effort to leverage and learn them more effectively in general learning agents. Specifically, we consider the dynamics of compositions both empirically and analytically. We derive the effective schedule of emphasis (or discounts) of future observations with compositions of arbitrary depth, leading to informative observations about the prediction targets. In the empirical simulations, we focus on the unintuitive behavior of compositions, especially in cases that are not easy to analyze. Overall, predictions predicting predictions which predict predictions have interesting properties and can add depth to an agent’s predictive understanding of the world.