Anantharaman, S., P. Narendran and M. Rusi

作者: E Angel , E Bampis , L Gourvès , G Appa , D Magos



摘要: 94 Vo lato, A linear time algorithm for the mini-mum Weighted Feedback Vertex Set on di-amonds 94 (2004) 29 Ceri, S., seeBonifati, A. 94 (2004) 71 Cerulli, R., seeCarrabs, F. 94 (2004) 29 Chandran, LS, C. Mannino and G. Oriolo, On the cubicity of certain graphs 94 (2004) 113 Chang, M.-S., seeLee, C.-M. 94 (2004) 211 Cheung, KS and KO Chow, Cycle inclusion property of augmented marked graphs 94 (2004) 271 Chow, KO, seeCheung, KS 94 (2004) 271 Codenotti, B. and D. Štefankoviˇc, Onthecom-putational complexity of Nash equilibria for (0, 1) bimatrix games 94 (2004) 145 block designs and No Free Lunch theorems 94 (2004) 55 Guo, JY and FK Hwang, An almost-linear time and linear space algorithm for the longest common subsequence problem 94 (2004) 131 Halava, V., T. Harju and M. Latteux, Equal-ity sets of prefix morphisms and regular star languages 94 (2004) 151 Halldórsson, MM …
