Integration themes in multimodal human-computer interaction.

作者: Sharon L Oviatt , Erik Olsen



摘要: This research examines how people integrate spoken and written input during multimodal human-computer inter-action. Three studies used a semi-automatic simulation technique to collect data on people's free use of spoken and written input. Within-subject repeated-measures studies were designed, with data analyzed from 44 subjects and 240 tasks. The primary factors were evaluated that govern people's selection to write versus speak at given points during a human-computer exchange. Anal-yses revealed that people write digits more often than textual content, and proper names more often than other text. A form-based presentation, in comparison with an unconstrained format, also increased the likelihood of writing. However, the most influential factor in patterning people's integrated use of speech and writing is contrastive functionality, or the use of spoken and written input in a contrastive way to designate a …
