Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (Official Symposium of the EAP-COGSCI 2015 Conference, Euro/Asian/Pacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science, Torino, Italy, 25-25 Sept 2015)

作者: Antonio Lieto , Daniele P Radicioni , Cristiano Castelfranchi , Marcello Frixione , Giulio Sandini



摘要: The Symposium “Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Cognition” aims at creating a common ground of discussion between scholars whose work is at the intersection between Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. After decades of mutual and pioneering collaboration, in the last years joint efforts between these fields have significantly decreased. Both Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science have produced several sub-disciplines, each one with its own goals, methods and criteria for evaluation. The aim of this symposium is in pointing out how a stronger collaboration is still needed in order to contribute to the development of artificial systems endowed with human-level intelligence. In particular, the first contribution is mainly devoted to analyze these aspects by adopting the “social cognition” perspective. The second contribution elaborates on the dichotomy human vs artificial from a philosophical perspective, pointing out that some analogies are ill-posed and may be irrelevant from a cognitive perspective while others may be of interest. The third contribution analyzes, in a “developmental robotics” perspective the importance of use of humanoid robots as tools to study human cognitive skills in order to fully acknowledges the importance of embodiment and interaction (with the environment and with others) for the emergence of motor and perceptual skills, sensorimotor coordination, cognitive and social abilities. The fourth contribution, finally, investigates the crucial role of ethics in the emerging field of social robotics. This symposium take inspirations from the themes characterising the series of the international worksop AIC (Artificial …
