作者: Thomas Bottini , Valentina Anita Carriero , Jason Carvalho OU , Philippe Cathé , Fiorela Ciroku
摘要: Polifonia is driven by ten pilot use cases, which provide both a validation context and the input requirements to the other research and development work packages. The pilots are heterogeneous in terms of knowledge domains, eg bells heritage, popular Irish music, history of music in Bologna, music influence on children. They involve interdisciplinary teams that bring different experience and methodological practices. This report describes the effort made so far, in collaboration and accordance with the Technical Board (see Deliverable 1.31), towards identifying and building a common methodological framework, called socio-technical roadmap, for developing the ten pilots. Three main tools have been designed and implemented to this end, following a bottom up approach: a) A story-based methodology that leads musicologists, linguists, music heritage actors and IT specialists to describe their scientific skills, requests and goals in a narrative plot; b) Interdisciplinary workshops called Maninpasta that support the creation and coordination of working groups focusing on specific development tasks; and c) A Survey to systematically collect information about the pilots, and to facilitate the identification of interconnections between them. After situating this deliverable in Polifonia’s overall architecture, the tools and methods are presented individually and then compared. The objectives achieved and the prospects are finally outlined. Six short appendixes make this report self-contained, including a glossary of terms, a description of the ten pilots, and a description of Polifonia work packages’ organisation.