作者: Alaina Baker , Rebecca Arcidiacono , Jolie B Wormwood , Erika H Siegel , Justin Kopec
摘要: In this study, we examine the relationship between affective reactivity (individual differences in physiological and subjective responses to emotional stimuli) and interoceptive sensitivity (the ability to detect changes in the body). To measure interoceptive sensitivity, participants completed a heartbeat detection task in which they reported whether their heartbeat was in-sync or out-of-sync with a series of audio tones. We then examined individual differences in affective reactivity by measuring participants’ physiological activity and subjective experiences of valence and arousal while they were presented with emotionally evocative sounds and images. We included measures of peripheral physiological activity associated with changes in valence, like activity in the corrugator supercilii muscle and the zygomaticus major muscle using facial electromyography (fEMG). Changes in bodily arousal were also assessed with …