Use of Shotgun Metagenomic NGS Combined with a Previously‐developed Bioinformacs Pipeline vs. Tradional Culture/Screening Diagnoscs to Evaluate Ecology of AMR and Diagnose Salmonella spp. in Cale Feces Before and Aer Ceiofur Metaphylaxis

作者: E Doster , P Rovira , NR Noyes , BA Burgess , X Yang



摘要: Antimicrobial resistance is a pressing public health concern, due to both present-day associations with increased morbidity and mortality, as well as fears of a “post-antibiotic” future in which many antimicrobials are no longer effective in treating common infections. With recent increased attention on antimicrobial resistance, antibiotic use practices in food production systems have come under closer scrutiny, particularly with respect to injudicious use of antimicrobials. In 2011, the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Beef Feedlot Survey identified the most commonly used class of antimicrobials is macrolides, and since the FDA classifies macrolides as “criticallyimportant” to human medicine, it is necessary to understand the potential effect of the use of macrolides in beef production on antimicrobial resistance. Past research suggests that a traditional culture-based approach, in which one or several …
