E1 Theme: Trust-building for collaborative win-win customer solutions. Opportunity Assessment Roadmap Report

作者: Rebekah Russell-Bennett , Declan Kuch , Chris Riedy , John Gardner , HYJ Chong



摘要: • This roadmap leverages customers strengths, knowledge, and practices to cultivate trust using a shared value approach. The conceptual centrepiece of this report is the ‘ecosystem of shared value’–an industry-wide approach to valuing consumers’ contributions to the creation of value.• Preparing this roadmap involved extensive consultation with RACEfor2030 partners, the Industry Reference Group (IRG), policymakers and consumer advocates at each phase of the project.• In particular, there are significant opportunities to create new data and to build on existing datasets but doing so likely requires dynamic consent processes. Furthermore, simply ‘providing data’to consumers is insufficient to remedy the structural issues in the sector and may in fact worsen trust issues if poorly implemented.
