TUMI Transport Outlook 1.5° C-A global scenario to decarbonise transport

作者: S Teske , S Niklas , R Langdon



摘要: The Paris Climate Agreement as adopted in December 2015 set out to reduce global greenhouse emissions at a rate that would limit global temperature increase this century to a level 2.0 C above pre-industrial levels. It went even further, laying out steps that might be taken to pursue an increase limited to 1.5 C. This long-term vision, if successful in significantly cutting the greenhouse gas emissions worldwide to limit the global mean temperature to a maximum increase of 1.5 C, would avoid" dangerous climate change." As the impacts of a warming climate have already been felt in recent years, with unprecedented flooding and catastrophic bushfires, there is an urgent need to implement policies that limit greenhouse emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.The TUMI Transport Outlook 1.5 C considers the role of the transport sector within these goals as it lays out a plan for exactly how we can achieve the goal of limiting greenhouse emissions. The transport sector accounts for nearly one-quarter of global energy-related carbon emissions. Climate action in transport is urgently needed because energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the main driver of climate change (Teske et. al 2019). Yet a clear-cut path to transformation, one which is backed up with'hard'numbers for policymakers around the world, remains missing. To close this gap, TUMI and the University of Technology Sydney developed a robust scenario study.
