Prospective evaluation of cell-free DNA fragmentation profiles for lung cancer detection.

作者: Kwok-Kin Wong , Peter J Mazzone , Jun-Chieh Tsay , Harvey I Pass , Anil Vachani



摘要: e20521Background: Annual lung cancer screening can save lives, but fewer than 10% of eligible persons participate each year. More widespread screening is hindered by cost, inaccessibility, and uncertainty over individual-level benefit vs risk. Screening rates could be raised by a simple, inexpensive initial blood test, if it were sensitive for cancer detection. The DELFI (DNA evaluation of fragments for early interception) technology uses low-coverage, whole-genome sequencing and machine learning to identify patterns of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) fragmentation associated with cancer. Here we report preliminary cfDNA analysis results from DELFI-L101 (NCT04825834), a prospective, observational, multistate case-control study to train and test DELFI classifiers for lung cancer detection. Methods: Enrollees were ≥50 years old with current or previous smoking histories of ≥20 pack-years and recent or planned chest …
