The Australian Journal of Management Enmeshed on the Web

作者: John Roberts



摘要: S imultaneous with the publication of this June issue of the Australian Journal of Management, is the publication of an electronic version of the Journal. The WorldWideWeb site for the Australian Journal of Management is now up and is accessible to all users. Anyone with access to the Web can read abstracts from the Journal in html. The address is http://www. agsm. unsw. edu. au/~ eajm/. If you wish to access articles you will require Adobe Acrobat, but it is possible to download that program free of charge from the Journal site. I would like to encourage you to visit the site. The past five years of back issues of the Journal are up on-line and we will publish further back issues if there is a demand for them. Currently there is no password to the site, but we are considering ways to ensure that those Journal readers who pay for their subscriptions are not disadvantaged by free access provided to browsers on the Web. The …
