作者: Jan Carlstedt-Duke , Jan A Gustafsson , Sven A Gustafsson
摘要: The subcellular distributionof corticosterone and its metabolites inliver was studied 5, 30, and 90 min after injection of [1, 2, 6, 7-3H] corticosterone in adult male and female rats that were adrenalectomized or hypophysec-tomized; 5 min after administration of isotope, the adrenalectomized malerats contained ten times as much labeled unconjugated corticosterone, 5a-dihydrocorticosterone, and 3a-and 3/3, 11/3, 21-trihydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one in the nuclear fraction than the corresponding female rats. The metabolites of corticosterone in the soluble fractionof liver from adrenalectomized females occurred as about 90% ste-roid monosulfates and disulfates already 5 min after administration of isotope. In contrast, the soluble fraction of liver from males contained only 38% labeled monosulfate 5 min after injection of [l, 2, 6, 7-3H] corticosterone. The individual labeled metabolites from the different subcellular fractions