Policy brief: In-depth Quantification of Industrial Energy Efficiency Potentials. Aalborg University.

作者: Katerina Kermeli , Rasmus Magni Johannsen , Wina Crijns-Graus , Iva Skov , Brian Vad Mathiesen



摘要: • IndustryPLAN enables the identification of synergies between industry and renewable smart energy systems and facilitates the implementation of the Energy Efficiency First Principle for industry.• Increased energy efficiency uptake and recycling can reduce the industrial energy demand intensity in the EU by 16% in 2030 and by 23% in 2050. The total industry demand decreases by 36% when taking into account the future discontinuance of certain industries, eg oil refineries.• Most energy efficiency measures are identified as cost effective-from a socioeconomic perspective.• By 2050, fully decarbonised scenarios are possible for the European industry sector.• A lacking emphasis on energy efficiency and electrification results in extensive biomass consumption if pursuing 100% renewable energy.• Hydrogen produced from renewable sources can decarbonise fossil-fuel intensive industries, such as chemicals and iron and steel. However, the wide adoption of hydrogen-based technologies, combined with a limited uptake of energy efficiency and electrification, will make the transition costlier and will induce energy losses.
