Phase current reconstruction using a single current sensor of three-phase AC motors fed by SVM-controlled direct matrix converters

作者: Brahim Metidji , Nabil Taib , Lotfi Baghli , Toufik Rekioua , Seddik Bacha



摘要: This paper presents a novel method for phase ac motor current reconstructing with a single current sensor in three-phase direct matrix converter (DMC) drive system using space vector modulation control technique. The main goal is to reduce the cost and to improve the reliability of drive systems that involve closed-loop control strategy. For this purpose, new structure and algorithm are developed which divide the zero-vector application time in two intervals and measure the phase currents using a new placement of the single Hall current sensor in DMC. These proposals constitute a good solution in the low-power-range DMC (below 15 kW), where reducing size and cost is the key objective. The simulation of the three-phase to three-phase DMC feeding an induction motor was done to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed system. Experiments were carried out owing to a DS1104 control board to check the …
