作者: Yannis E Tzavlopoulos , Katerina D Gotzamani , Chris A Vassiliadis , Andreas Andronikidis , None
摘要: E-commerce is in great growth, given the rapid penetration of the internet in people's everyday lives, with the vast majority of consumers taking advantage of this new shopping channel, and an increasing number of businesses adopting this modern business tool. The quality assessment of e-commerce services is of particular research interest as it has been widely found that quality is directly linked to customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn leads to improved sales results, the creation of reputation and enhanced competitiveness for active companies in the industry. The aim of this paper is to investigate the quality in e-commerce and to examine the relationships developed among its individual dimensions and satisfaction, perceived value, perceived risk, and customer loyalty. We found that quality overall has a positive and statistically significant relationship with perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty, and negative with perceived risk. From the individual dimensions of quality, it has been found that ease of use of websites, design, responsiveness and security lead to increased levels of perceived value, while ease of use, responsiveness and personalization lead to an increase in the overall satisfaction of consumers. Overall, it has been documented that high levels of quality lead to higher satisfaction and perceived value, mitigating perceived risk and positively impacting the adoption of desirable consumer behaviors as reflected in customer loyalty.