Economic value of Perlis State Park as a recreational area

作者: A Azyyati , HMA Syamsul , S Ahmad , None



摘要: Valuation of protected natural areas such as national parks and state parks allows park managers to obtain information that could be used in cost benefit analysis as an aid for public sector decision making processes. The main purpose of the study is to analyse the demand for the Perlis State Park (PSP) as a recreational area. The travel cost model is used to estimate the demand of recreational opportunities offered by the state park. A revealed preference approach to evaluate nature-based park services highlights the dominant functions of the state parks from users’ point of view. By using site specific data, the demand for recreational opportunity at PSP is formulated as a function of travel cost, monthly income, marital status, alternative distance to site, educational level, race and age of visitors to the state park. The results of the analysis show that only travel cost and monthly income are significant at 5% level. The …
