Structural clustering algorithms for networks

作者: Nurcan Yuruk



摘要: The tightly connected groups of entities, so-called modules or clusters, are usually good indicators of structural or functional units of the underlying network. While those units are communities of people in a social network, they refer to web pages of similar topic on WWW, group of molecules that work together to achieve certain biological function in a biological network and etc. Modular structure is one of the most important and ubiquitous features observed in most complex networks and we mainly target the problem of network clustering which has, among other network analysis tasks, particular role of detecting modules in given networks. In this dissertation, we present a new network clustering algorithm, namely SCAN ( S tructural C lustering A lgorithm for N etworks), which runs linearly with the size of given network. Despite the common methodology of current methods where maximization or minimization of …
