Intermediate Principal Stress Effects on the 3D Cracking Behavior of Flawed Rocks Under True Triaxial Compression

作者: Yuan Sun , Fan Fei , Louis Ngai Yuen Wong , Jinhyun Choo



摘要: Crack initiation, growth, and coalescence in flawed rocks have been extensively studied for 2D (planar, penetrating) flaws under uniaxial/biaxial compression. However, little is known as to the mechanisms and processes of cracking from 3D flaws under true triaxial compression, where the intermediate principal stress () is distinguished from the major and minor principal stresses. In this work, we systematically investigate the effects of on the 3D cracking behavior of rock specimens with preexisting flaws, through the use of mechanistic simulations of mixed-mode fracture in rocks. We explore how two characteristics of , namely, (i) its orientation with respect to the flaw and (ii) its magnitude, affect two aspects of the cracking behavior, namely, (i) the cracking pattern and (ii) the peak stress. Results show that the orientation of exerts more control over the cracking pattern than the flaw inclination angle. The peak stress becomes highest when …
