作者: Mohsen Sagha , Ebrahim Esfandiari , Khadijeh Karbalaee , Somayeh Tanhaee , Marzieh Nematoallahi
摘要: purpose: The aim of the present study is to understand if EBs can generate neural rosette upon co-culture with chick embryo somites. Materials and Methods: The mouse ES cells, line Royan Bl, were cultured in hanging drops to induce embryoid bodies (EBs) formation. Somites were isolated from the chick embryos and then embedded in alginate solution. Finally, alginate beads containing somites were co-cultured with EBs. RA was added to some EBs according to 2-/2+/2+ protocol. Results: Mean percentage of EBs containing early and late rosettes in somite, control and RA was 14.56%. 2.6% and 0.0%, respectively and what is important to rosette formation in EBs was the presence of neural inducing components as well as the time course of neural differentiation of EBs Conclusion: Chick embryonic somites can induce ES cells-derived EBs to generate rosette structures withneuron formation capacity.