Active exploration of faces in police lineups increases discrimination accuracy

作者: Melissa Colloff , Heather D Flowe , Harriet J Smith , Travis Seale-Carlisle , Christian A Meissner



摘要: Eyewitness identifications play a key role in the justice system, but eyewitnesses can make errors, often with profound consequences. We used findings from basic science and innovative technologies to develop and test whether a novel interactive lineup procedure, wherein witnesses can rotate and dynamically view the lineup faces from different angles, improves witness discrimination accuracy compared with a widely used procedure in laboratories and police forces around the world—the static frontal-pose photo lineup. No novel procedure has previously been shown to improve witness discrimination accuracy. In Experiment 1, participants (N= 220) identified culprits from sequentially presented interactive lineups or static frontal-pose photo lineups. In Experiment 2, participants (N= 8,507) identified culprits from interactive lineups that were either presented sequentially, simultaneously wherein the faces could …
