Recognition and awareness modeling for quality of experience and quality of services

作者: Charles Z Liu , Manolya Kavakli-Thorne



摘要: In this chapter, we discuss the issue about image-based user experience recognition and its influence on interactions between humans and systems. To solve the issue, we introduce a data aware method to perform Quality of Experience (QoE) and/or Quality of Service (QoS) management to perform user-experience recognition based on image and QoE-QoS management for performance optimization. A data-aware QoE model is built based on PrincipleComponentAnalysis (PCA). Three main types of QoE-QoS management (optimal QoE management, optimal QoS management and QoE-QoS balance management) are discussed based on the proposed scheme. A QoE-QoS unified optimization is also presented in normalized scale space. An experiment is given to show how the proposed scheme works. With the proposed scheme, the operations for QoEQoS management is simplified but flexible, and the optimal solution can be obtained analytically with balanced efficiency.
