Demo of Lenticular Objects: 3D Printed Objects with Lenticular Lens Surfaces That Can Change their Appearance Depending on the Viewpoint

作者: Jiani Zeng , Honghao Deng , Yunyi Zhu , Michael Wessely , Axel Kilian



摘要: We present Lenticular Objects, which are 3D objects that appear differently from diferent viewpoints. We accomplish this by 3D printing lenticular lenses across the curved surface of objects and computing underlying surface color patterns, which enables to generate diferent appearances to the user at each viewpoint. In addition, we present the Lenticular Objects 3D editor, which takes as input the 3D model and multiple surface textures, ie images, that are visible at multiple viewpoints. Our tool calculates the lens placements distribution on the surface of the objects and underlying color pattern. On export, the user can use ray tracing to live preview the resulting appearance from each angle. The 3D model, color pattern, and lenses are then 3D printed in one pass on a multi-material 3D printer to create the fnal 3D object. We demonstrate our system in practice with a range of use cases that benefts from appearing diferently under diferent viewpoints.∗ authors contributed equally
