作者: James Ludlow , Francisca Jalil-Vega , Ximena Schmidt Rivera , Rene A Garrido , Adam Hawkes
摘要: Achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 requires a step-change in resource management, and the utilisation of organic waste is currently an untapped opportunity in Latin America. This study carries out a quantitative and qualitative assessment of organic waste-to-energy potentials for the Chilean context. First, it produces a comprehensive quantification of organic waste, including annual crop residues, horticulture residues, livestock manure and OFMSW by region; then it estimates the energy potential of these bioresources; and finally, it conducts a series of stakeholder interviews determining barriers to greater waste-to-energy utilisation. The results show that the total bioenergy potential from waste is estimated at 78 PJ/yr (3.3% of annual energy demand), being livestock manure (41%) and annual crop residues (28%) the main sources, arising mostly from three regions. The stakeholder elicitation …