作者: Anders Sönnerborg Ljunggren , Ole Lund , Gustavo Reyes-Terán , M Frederick , Steven G Hecht
摘要: Supplementary figure 1. Expression of TIGIT, CD226 and PD-1 on CD8+ T cells in healthy control subjects. a) viSNE map of naïve/memory phenotype distribution (based on CD45RO, CCR7 and CD27) in healthy (n= 26) subjects (b) viSNE maps of expression of TIGIT, CD226 and PD-1 on naïve/memory phenotypes corresponding to S1a. Colors depict intensity of protein expression.(c) Flow plots confirming the expression pattern of TIGIT on CD8+ T cell memory subtypes (density plot: CD8+ T cells; red: TIGIT+ cells).(d) Frequency of TIGIT+ cells in CD8+ T cell naïve/memory populations in the healthy subjects, based on expression of CD45RO, CCR7 and CD27.