作者: Jens Wickert , Georg Beyerle , Andreas Günthner , Maximilian Semmling , Jamila Beckheinrich
摘要: During the last decade GPS remote sensing techniques for ground and space based atmospheric sounding were established. Such methods use atmospheric GNSS propagation errors as signals to derive information on atmospheric temperature, water vapor or electron density. Ground based, airborne, and satellite measurements can be used to derive this information from regional (local) up to global scale. GNSS based atmospheric sounding data are accepted by atmospheric scientists and weather researcher and are operationally used to improve numerical weathers forecasts and are the based for numerous climatological studies to characterize climate change.Another GNSS remote sensing technique is based on the analysis of GPS signals, reflected from water and ice surfaces, which can be used to derive properties of these surfaces, as, eg, altitude information or wave heights. Such techniques are currently in focus of international research and regarded to have a similar potential for a broad spectrum of scientific and operational applications as the atmosphere sounding techniques. The goal of the contribution is to introduce GFZ activities in reflectometry and to briefly review the current status.