Automatic Generation of High Quality Test cases and Plans in Software Testing and Automated Planning

作者: Emanuele Di Rosa , Enrico Giunchiglia , Silvano Cincotti



摘要: Automatic planners are extensively used in space missions to generate plans of activities of spacecrafts, rovers and satellites. Test case generation and execution are the most important activities to discover faults in safety/mission-critical software. This thesis focuses on the problem of the automatic generation of test cases and plans. The symmetry between the two problems is based on the fact that both can be seen as a reachability problem: in a classical planning problem, given an initial state we want to find a sequence of actions whose execution (in the given order) leads from the initial state to a goal state; in a test case generation problem, given the program entry point we want to find an assignment to the program variables stimulating a path (ie a sequence of branches) in the program under test and allowing to reach/cover a specific point in the program. The innovative contribution of this thesis lies in the …
