作者: Melissa Cox , Beth Chaney , Leah McDonald , Mary Beth Miller
摘要: Associations between self-report and objective measurement of young adult alcohol use are weakened by excessive consumption levels; therefore, associations between correlates of alcohol use and consumption likely also differ by alcohol measurement. This study examined the extent to which correlates of heavy drinking measured via self-report are also indicators of heavy drinking measured objectively. Data were collected from 164 bar patrons (54% male; 73% White, 12% Black, 15% Other; 15% Hispanic) as they exited the bar. Participants completed an intercept survey including self-reported measures of drinking, demographics, and social-environmental factors. A breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) reading was also obtained using a handheld breathalyzer device. Correlations between two self-reported outcomes, number of drinks consumed prior to and at the bar, and BrAC were significant among those …