作者: SD Milner , AN WalKer , A Junghanns , J Schaeffer , M Brockmgton
摘要: PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME ADVANCES IN COMPUTER CHESS 8 June 27-28, 1996 Maastricht, The Netherlands The eighth conference on Advance Page 1 ProvIsIOnal Programme Advances In Computer Chess 8 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME ADVANCES IN COMPUTER CHESS 8 June 27-28, 1996 Maastricht, The Netherlands 141 The eighth conference on Advances m Computer Chess will be held under auspices of the InternatIOnal Computer Chess ASSOCiatIOn (lCCA) and the Max Euwe Centre (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) m Maastncht, the Netherlands, at Castle Vaeshartelt, 5 km from Maastncht centre and wlthm the suburbs of that city (Invited) speakers The programme mcludes several promment speakers m the computer-chess research field The mVlted speakers are Tunng Award wmner Ken Thompson (Bell Laboratones, New Jersey, USA) and IGM David Bronstem (Mmsk, RUSSia) Thursday …