Psychophysiological, behavioural and experiential responses to evoked positive and negative emotion in people with eating disorders Results

作者: H Davies , U Schmidt , K Tchanturia , K Tchanturia , T Liao



摘要: Results:This study used an amusing and sad film clip to evoke emotion responses in participants with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Emotion response was measured via facial expression, subjective reports and skin conductance (SC) reactivity. Results showed differences in emotion responses between positive and negative affect and across the eating disorder groups. The anorexia nervosa group showed a general attenuation of positive affect but more of a dysregulated profile to negative stimuli with attenuated facial expression but subjective and physiological arousal similar to controls. Therefore, supporting the notion that negative expression is being inhibited. Generally, it was observed that the bulimia nervosa participants had a similar profile in emotion response to the control group, however they demonstrated an increase in SC reactivity to the sad film clip, compared to HC.In conclusion, this study …
