作者: JL Goodall , MM Billah , B Essawy , U Narayan , V Lakshmi
摘要: There are significant data management challenges associated with modeling regional-scale hydrologic systems. Locating, accessing, and transforming publically available datasets to prepare the necessary inputs for hydrologic models is a time consuming process. The lack of tools for automating these steps limits researchers' ability to reproduce the work of others, and to build from past work. This research focuses on the use of the DataNet Federation Consortium (DFC) cyberinfrastructure to overcome these challenges of locating, accessing, and transforming datasets associated with performing hydrologic model simulations. The DFC is built on the integrated Rule Oriented Data Management System (iRODS), which allows processing on data resources within a data grid. Datasets can be distributed across many machines, and processing these datasets can occur remotely near data providers to distribute the …