Investigation of distributed energy resources curtailment in South Australia

作者: Baran Yildiz , Naomi Stringer , Sophie Adams , Shanil Samarakoon , Anna Bruce



摘要: Voltage management in low voltage (LV) networks is one of the most imminent challenges posed by the integration of increasing levels of distributed energy resources (DER). Traditionally, in a network with uni-directional energy flow, distribution network service providers (DNSPs) set the LV voltages at the higher end of their allowed range to maintain reasonable voltages during peak demand periods, especially driven by air-conditioning demand. However, as energy flows bidirectionally through the LV network with increasing levels of DER installations, DER exports can push the local voltages over the recommended ranges. To help DNSPs in managing network voltage effectively, it is increasingly required that inverter based DER implement one or more of the following power quality response modes (PQRM): 1. Tripping (anti-islanding and limits for sustained operation) on excessive voltages 2. Volt-VAr (V-VAr)
