作者: Mohammad Reza Hosseini , N Chileshe , J Zuo , B Baroudi
摘要: The Construction industry is in need of theorisation of the process of utilising innovations. Considering the specific idiosyncrasies, the construction industry theories about innovations should be developed or tested incorporating the current profile of innovations in the construction industry. In this context, the perceptions of the practitioners in the industry about the innovation of interest should be taken into account as well. Nevertheless, the literature review reveals that construction researchers have used different constructs and measures to picture the status quo of an innovation. The existing body of knowledge lacks a unified agreed-upon model providing a picture of the cross-sectional state of an innovation while meeting the requirements of researchers and decision makers. This paper addresses the aforementioned knowledge gaps by utilising a qualitative approach. The process of the study encompasses extracting the appropriate constructs from the extant literature to establish a conceptual model. Accordingly, a model will be presented and ultimately confirmed based on the results of five unstructured interviews conducted within academia in South Australia. The paper contributes to the body of knowledge by proposing a model incorporating the constructs that provide cross-sectional pictures of the status quo of innovations within construction context.