作者: Roberta Pirazzini , David Gustafsson , Michael Tjernström , Andreas Ahlstrøm , Ingo Schewe
摘要: The identification of “The Business Case for a pan-Arctic Observing System”, main goal of the Arctic Observing Summit 2018, requires a thorough evaluation of the present observing system. In the framework of the H2020 project Integrated Arctic Observation System (INTAROS), the existing Arctic observing systems and selected in situ and satellite data products are assessed, exploited, and standardized to enable their delivery to a multidisciplinary, integrated Arctic Observing System (iAOS) through established databases. This assessment and exploitation is carried out in the INTAROS Working Package 2 (WP2) and it addressed observations of the ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere and land including physical, chemical, and biological parameters.Strengths, weaknesses, gaps in spatial/temporal coverage, missing monitoring parameters, sustainability, and data management of the existing in situ observation networks are analyzed. Moreover, coverage, resolution, timeliness, uncertainty, format, and metadata of selected in situ and satellite data collections are assessed with respect to the requirements needed for applications within weather prediction and sea ice services, hazard risk assessment and prevention, climate, environmental protection. The quality and the processing of selected datasets are improved to meet the highest standards set by the European and international organizations. New products resulting from the exploitation of available data are provided, and sparse data are made accessible through the existing repositories.