iReceptor: A case study in the importance of standards for data sharing

作者: Brian Corrie , Jerome Jaglale , Bojan Zimonja , Nishanth Marthandan , Emily Barr



摘要: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) allows the characterization of the adaptive immune receptor repertoire (AIRR) in exquisite detail. These large-scale AIRR-seq data sets have rapidly become critical to vaccine development, understanding the immune response in autoimmune and infectious disease, and monitoring novel therapeutics against cancer. Over the past five years, a grass roots, international community (the AIRR Community-www. airr-community. org) has been working towards establishing standards and recommendations for obtaining, analyzing, curating, comparing, and sharing NGS AIRR-seq data sets. Using these standards, the AIRR Community Working Groups are establishing an international network of AIRR-seq repositories (the AIRR Data Commons) that contain data that are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR). The iReceptor Data Integration Platform provides an implementation of the AIRR Data Commons envisioned by the AIRR Community. The data standards developed by the AIRR Community are at the foundation of our ability to implement such a platform. In this paper, we use iReceptor as a case study that considers the importance of standards for effective data sharing.
