作者: MI El Ghezal , L Wu , I Doghri
摘要: This paper presents a general mean-field homogenization formulation and the corresponding numerical algorithms for two-phase nonlinear composites. Both phases obey a finite strain elasto-plasticity model based on a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient and hyperelastic constitutive equations. Our aim is to develop a micro-mechanically based approach capable of predicting the influence of the microstructure on the macroscopic properties. More specifically, the goal is to construct in the finite strain regime a counterpart of the incrementalsecant mean-field homogenization scheme [1] initially formulated for infinitesimal strains.The local constitutive equations of each phase are based on the formulation of finite strain elastoplasticity based on a multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient as suggested by Simo [2]. The latter proposed algorithms which preserve the classical return …