Regulators Of Fat Metabolism As Anti-Cancer Targets

作者: Douglas S Conklin , Antonis Kourtidis



摘要: BACKGROUND0003. The overexpression of proteins and altered cellular physiology that result from gene amplification are a signifi cant cause of the tumorigenic nature of cancer cells. Overex pression of the ERBB2 (Her-2/neu) oncogene occurs in nearly 30% of breast cancers and is a prognostic indicator for aggressive disease and reduced survival'. Although therapies have been developed that effectively target ERBB2, there is still high recurrence of the disease after these treatments’ suggesting that factors in addition to ERBB2 itself must con tribute to the aggressiveness and poor therapy response in these tumours. Transcriptional profiling meta-analyses have found that ERBB2 is one of approximately 150 genes that are overexpressed in this tumour type. There is a need to iden tify which of them confer survival capability in order to provide targets against which anti-cancer agents may be dis covered …
