作者: Tarek Helmy , Babak Hodjat , Makoto Amamiya
摘要: Parallelism: many agents can be spawned in parallel to accomplish many searches at once. Search results are context based according to the web page the query is send to. Incorporation of legacy systems into a wider cooperating community. Provide the user with more accurate and relevant information to his/her query. In our distributed system of search agents, each agent is able to coordinate and cooperate with the other search agents of the system in order to achieve a goal. When a user issues a query, the local AAOSA search agent, on which the query is issued will select appropriate remote AAOSA search agents that are able to find richer and more accurate information relevant to the query. This selection based on the past behavior of each individual search agent and the links within its web page. The local AAOSA then sends the query to the selected remote AAOSAs to let them do the search on their local sites, bring back the results, merge the returned results when necessary and display them to the user.