摘要: It is well-known that paraxial coherent electromagnetic fields can be completelycharacterized in terms of their radial and azimuthal spatial degrees of freedom in the transverse planethat add to the polarization degree of freedom and wavelength. In this work we address two mainissues of paraxial beam shaping that are the modality and the polychromaticity in the context of flatopticsthat we address by introducing novel concepts of spin-orbit optical elements. Namely, the‘modal q-plate’ and the ‘Bragg-Berry q-plate’. On the one hand, modal q-plate converts an incidentfundamental Gaussian beam into a Laguerre-Gaussian beam of given radial and azimuthal indices,hence going beyond the capabilities of conventional q-plates that only control the azimuthal degreeof freedom, i.e. the orbital angular momentum content of light. Towards experimental realization ofmodal q-plates, two approaches are developed: one based on artificially nanostructured glasses andanother based on naturally self-organized liquid crystal topological defects. On the other hand,Bragg-Berry q-plate consist of mirror-backed inhomogeneous thin film of chiral liquid crystal(cholesteric) that provides fully efficient spin-orbit beam shaping over broad spectral range of theincident beam, in contrast to the conventional q-plates that are designed for single wavelength.Furthermore, ultra-broadband spin-orbit beam shaping is achieved by inducing an extra modulationof the supramolecular twisted structure of the cholesteric liquid crystal along the propagationdirection. We also show that the presence of a back-mirror allows a powerful spatio-temporal controlof the polarization vectorial …