Seeing the forest for the trees: Assessing genetic offset predictions from gradient forest

作者: Áki Jarl Láruson , Matthew C Fitzpatrick , Stephen R Keller , Benjamin C Haller , Katie E Lotterhos



摘要: Gradient Forest (GF) is a machine learning algorithm designed to analyze spatial patterns of biodiversity as a function of environmental gradients. An offset measure between the GF‐predicted environmental association of adapted alleles and a new environment (GF Offset) is increasingly being used to predict the loss of environmentally adapted alleles under rapid environmental change, but remains mostly untested for this purpose. Here, we explore the robustness of GF Offset to assumption violations, and its relationship to measures of fitness, using SLiM simulations with explicit genome architecture and a spatial metapopulation. We evaluate measures of GF Offset in: (1) a neutral model with no environmental adaptation; (2) a monogenic “population genetic” model with a single environmentally adapted locus; and (3) a polygenic “quantitative genetic” model with two adaptive traits, each adapting to a different …
