摘要: Business analytics has rocketed to the top of the corporate agenda with claims that “data is the new oil”[1]. 85% of Fortune 500 companies invest in big data initiatives, with estimates of the analytics market at $18.3 billion in 2017 and forecast to grow to $22.8 billion by 2020 [2]. Despite the exponential growth and interest in business analytics, there are question marks over the extent to which organizations actually realize value from analytics [3]. All too often, managers put their focus on analytic tools and the data scientists. However, through our research and consulting work, we’ve learned of many examples of expensive analytics projects failing to deliver, even when state-of-the-art tools and highly competent data scientists are in place. In most cases, the data analysis is sound, the predictive models are great, but the resulting insights are not acted on because they require change in the organization. So nothing gets done.Why so? In order to really leverage the power of analytics, the capability has to be ‘woven’into the stories of the organization and its people. In our hyper connected world where data is king, storytelling may seem old fashioned. But we remember stories, not spreadsheets. Storytelling is truly universal through all of recorded history, from oral storytellers and early ‘rock art’in hunter-gatherer tribes to the proliferation of writers churning out books, TV shows and movies today. It is universal, transcending all cultures across all continents, with some of the most ancient cultures writing text in Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, and Sumerian.