Examining the premise of Lakeflow discharge algorithm in the contiguous United States

作者: Aote Xin , Jida Wang , George Allen



摘要: Lakes and reservoirs are essential storage units of the global drainage system. These stores influence downstream river discharge through detaining and releasing water mass at their interface. Lakeflow is a proposed algorithm to estimate discharge at these interfaces for the Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission (SWOT). With the direct measurements provided by SWOT, Lakeflow bridges the storage variation (dV) to an improved parameterization of the inflow and outflow channel properties that are not observable to SWOT but necessary for discharge calculations. The success of Lakeflow relies on a wide existence of the premise, which is that the discharge difference between the primary inflow and outflow river reaches (dQ) is the first-order control on dV. However, additional hydrologic controls and anthropogenic factors, which are not directly observable to SWOT, could also be substantial and therefore …
